Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Dog Poop Cookie

You know the Dog Poop Cookie Metaphor? Right? The one where you decide to make Chocolate Chip cookies so you spend time and energy gathering ingredients, mixing, creaming, stiring, measuring, baking, all in an effort to make the perfect cookie.

But by some cruel twist of fate you realize a small piece of dog poop somehow made it's way into the batter. Though the cookies look the same, smell the same, and probably taste the same, it's definitely not the same. In fact, the whole batch is ruin all because of one tiny piece of dog poop.

Sometimes I feel like my life is a banner for the dog poop cookie metaphor. After dedicating time, energy, concern, and who know what else to life I still somehow manage to let slip a tiny bit of dog poop into my life-batter. And whabam, we're back at square one, starting the recipe all over again.

Even though someone might look at my life and say, Oh, that looks like a delicious cookie! I want one!

Little do you know, it's chuck full of dog poop!

Then again, there's plenty about my life that is delicious. I just can't help but wonder when I'll stop allowing that little piece of dog poop access to my cookies.

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